Newest design love discovery: stackable items as a means of saving space. I've recently been collecting pieces that I love [and know I will never find again] for my "future" home. Thought I'd share these goodies and can't wait to put them to use! [Some were gifts from my oh-so-thoughtful Mom, some were self bought and others gifts from Bailey. [Both ladies wanted me to have the entire sets of different items, must be the same birthday thing!] Also, this only further adds to my love of the product design done at Fred. My only issues so far, I wish there were more Store-M's and they clicked together a bit more firmly. The last item I picked up from the MoMa collection, and it will only further add to my love of tea-sets. And finally [okay so maybe it's not stackable, but I LOVE them!] My best friend decided I needed to have the whole set of coaster's from Anthropologie, and I must admit, I was so THRILLED to see the rest of them! Thank you ladies!
Why do I love tea sets when I maybe drink a cup of tea a week?
M-Cups, Fred
M-Spoons, Fred
Store-M's, Fred
Tea Tower, MoMa
Celestial Coaster, Anthropologie